The state of things...
Posted by Brenda Alexander on April 01, 2020
As many of you know, in addition to running the shop, Penelope's produces Fibres West. More than half way through our set-up day, Thursday, March 12, the BC Government announced that any gathering of over 250 people was not allowed to proceed. Seventy vendors including myself, had to pack up and go home.. This has had serious consequences for my small business and many others who rely on the income from the show to kick start their Spring/Summer season.
I most sincerely agree with the decision of the BC and Federal Governments, no question that we all need to, and are, doing our part. We have re-booked the show to July 3/4, 2020 and will announce any changes to that date as we know more.
For the time being, the new normal at my shop is lots of mail order! I've put a sale code on the site, all orders 10% off, and orders over $100 receive free shipping. This sale will continue for the month of April.
I've had a bit of extra time and have started adding our knitting yarns that are in the store but never made it onto the website - this is being done in no particular order, so please check back regularly. I've also created a new tab, Spring Sale 2020 - also in progress..
Eventually products that I sell from the US will no longer be available or slower to be received. Harrisville, Schacht, Henry's Attic and Jagger Spun are closed temporarily or are working with a smaller than usual work force and when they re-open shipping will be slower to Canada than it was to my US PO Box. I'll do my best to continue to stock these products but will be monitoring shipping cost and duties. I may decide to temporarily stop ordering until I can access my US PO Box once again.
Keep well... keep knitting, spinning, weaving and felting!
Brenda :)